
用友U8 登陆系统时提示日期格式不对,日期格式是正确的,不过不上VPN是可以正常登陆软件的,连上VPN就不行了

2019-4-5 8:0:0 用友NC小编

用友U8 登陆系统时提示日期格式不对,日期格式是正确的,不过不上VPN是可以正常登陆软件的,连上VPN就不行了

用友U8 登陆系统时提示日期格式不对,日期格式是正确的,不过不上VPN是可以正常登陆软件的,连上VPN就不行了 问题原因:环境问题 解决方法:修改windwos区域设置即可
问题原因:环境问题 解决方法:修改windwos区域设置即可

如果您的问题还没有解决,可以到 T+搜索>>上找一下







单据货单号不显示,销售单填上货单号但是往来对账却不显示 单据货单号不显示,销售单填上货单号但是往来对账却不显示



T+12.1手工确认成本是在哪边? T+12.1手工确认成本是在哪边?[]

@服务社区苏娜:手工确定成本怎么个用法呢?在什么单子 上去手工填写呢?


  • 运行错误



    关 键 字:日常操作适用产品:财务通——总账
    补 丁 号:开放状态:用友云基地注册用户

  • 运行错误339,部件UFRTPrn.ocx



    关 键 字:安装及启用适用产品:
    补 丁 号:开放状态:用友云基地注册用户


  • 用友U8 812工资汇总工资类别的数据不正确

    用友U8 812工资汇总工资类别的数据不正确

    用友U8 812工资汇总工资类别的数据不正确用友U8 812工资汇总工资类别的数据不正确 问题原因:工资模块中汇总工资类别的数据不正确,且不能进行部门汇总,原因是用户没有在工资变动中进行计算与汇总,后发现部门汇总表的数据与单个工资类别的数据不正确 解决方法:针对该问题,将控制面板的日期格式改为YYYY-MM-DD,再进行汇总即可.
    问题原因:工资模块中汇总工资类别的数据不正确,且不能进行部门汇总,原因是用户没有在工资变动中进行计算与汇总,后发现部门汇总表的数据与单个工资类别的数据不正确 解决方法:针对该问题,将控制面板的日期格式改为YYYY-MM-DD,再进行汇总即可.

    www.kuaiji66.com 天龙瑞德

  • 用友U8 812无法升级到852

    用友U8 812无法升级到852

    用友U8 812无法升级到852用友U8 812无法升级到852 问题原因:812数据有问题:1、销售发票和采购订单的日期格式非法。2、成本模块的视图丢失。 解决方法:2000年的数据:1、修该salebillvouchs、po_pomain的非法日期1)update salebillvouchs set ddate=#1999-12-30# where ddate<#2000-1-1#2)po_pomain表字段dpodate的值请手工修改,共有五条记录(年度为200,请改为2000)。2、升级到8213、将数据引入852后,升级前在数据库中增加视图caq_inventory,caq_amoname,caq_depdata,caq_deptauthex,caq_mxb,caq_predepdata,caq_serviceprice,caq_userproperty,然后升级。CREATE VIEW ca_inventory AS SELECT Inventory.cInvCode, Inventory.cInvName, Inventory.cInvStd,Inventory.iInvRCost,Inventory.cInvCCode, ComputationUnit.cComUnitName AS cInvM_Unit,InventoryClass.cInvCName FROM Inventory LEFT OUTER JOIN InventoryClass ON Inventory.cInvCCode = InventoryClass.cInvCCode LEFT OUTER JOIN ComputationUnit ON Inventory.cComunitCode = ComputationUnit.cComunitCodegoCREATE view caq_amoname as select distinct 1 as amotypeno,‘0‘ as amotype,‘材料费用‘ as amotypename,b.cinvcode as amoid,b.cinvname as amoname,b.cinvccode as cinvccode ,b.cinvcname as cinvcname,b.cinvstd as cinvstd,b.cinvm_unit as cunit from ca_amoct a,ca_inventory b where a.camoid= b.cinvcode Union select 2 as amotypeno,‘0‘,‘材料费用‘,‘-1‘,‘废品回收‘,‘‘,‘‘,‘‘,‘‘ Union select 3 as amotypeno,‘3‘,‘制造费用‘,camoid,camoname,‘‘,‘‘,‘‘,‘‘ from caq_manufacture Union select 4 as amotypeno,‘2‘,‘辅助费用‘,cprocedureid,cprocedurename,‘‘,‘‘,‘‘,‘‘ from ca_predf where bisauxi<>0 Union select 5 as amotypeno,‘4‘,‘其他费用‘,camoid,camoname,‘‘,‘‘,‘‘,‘‘ from caq_others Union select 6 as amotypeno,‘1‘,‘人工费用‘,‘‘,‘直接人工‘,‘‘,‘‘,‘‘,‘‘goCREATE view caq_userproperty as select cuserid,caccode as cdeptid ,cfuncid from aa_holdauth where cbusobid=‘department‘goCREATE view caq_serviceprice as select max(iperiod) as iperiod,max(cprocedureid) as cprocedureid,sum(itotalamo)/sum(iqua) as price from ca_samoct group by cprocedureidgoCREATE view caq_predepdata as select ‘专用‘ as cType,a.iperiod,a.cdeptid,0 as amotypeno,‘0‘ as amotype ,a.cmatid as amoid,a.iqua as curqua,a.imatqua as curamo,b.irestqua as endqua,b.iprice * b.irestqua as endamo from ca_mabsw a left join ca_enmmc b on a.cdeptid=b.cdeptid and a.cmatid=b.cmatid and a.iperiod = b.iperiod where a.cppid is null union SELECT ‘共用‘ ,a.iperiod, a.cdeptid, 0 AS amotypeno, ‘0‘ AS amotype, a.cmatid AS amoid,a.iqua AS curqua, a.imatqua AS curamo, b.irestqua AS endqua,b.iprice * b.irestqua AS endamo FROM ca_mabsw a LEFT JOIN ca_enmom b ON a.cdeptid = b.cdeptid AND a.cmatid = b.cmatid AND a.iperiod = b.iperiod where a.cppid is not null Union select ‘废品‘ ,max(a.iperiod),max(b.cdepcode),1,‘0‘,‘-1‘,0,sum(irecamo),0,0 from ca_waspr a,productstructureex b where a.cppid = b.cpspcode group by cdepcode Union select ‘‘ ,iperiod,cdeptid,2,‘3‘,camoid,0,imanamo,0,0 from ca_manct Union select ‘‘ ,a.iperiod,a.cdeptid,3,‘2‘,a.cprocedureid,a.iqua,a.iqua* b.price,0,0 from ca_asscw a , caq_serviceprice b where a.iperiod=b.iperiod and a.cprocedureid=b.cprocedureid Union select ‘‘ ,max(iperiod),max(cdeptid),4,‘4‘,max(cothamoid),0,sum(iothamo),0,0 from ca_onlia group by cdeptid,iperiod,cothamoid Union select ‘‘ ,iperiod,cdeptid,5,‘1‘,‘‘,0,iDirectPay,0,0 from ca_dirmagoCREATE view caq_depdata as select a.iperiod as 期间,a.cdeptid as 部门编码,b.cdepname as 部门名称, a.amotypeno as 费用类型序号,a.amotype as 费用类型编码,c.amotypename as 费用类型名称,a.cType as 材料类别, c.cinvccode as 存货分类编码,c.cinvcname as 存货分类名称,a.amoid as 费用明细编码,c.amoname as 费用明细名称, a.curqua as 本期发生数量,a.curamo as 本期发生金额, a.endqua as 期末盘存数量,a.endamo as 期末盘存金额 from caq_predepdata a,department b,caq_amoname c Where a.cdeptid = b.cDepCode and a.amotype=c.amotype and a.amoid=c.amoidgoCREATE view CAQ_DeptAuthEx as SELECT CAQ_UserProperty.cUserID, Department.cDepCode,Department.cDepName FROM Department INNER JOIN CAQ_UserProperty ON Department.cDepCode = CAQ_UserProperty.cDeptIDgoCREATE view caq_mxb as select a.iperiod as 期间,a.cppid as 产品编码,f.cinvname as 产品名称,a.cbatch as 批号, b.cinvstd as 规格型号,b.cunit as 单位, b.cinvccode as 存货分类编码,b.cinvcname as 存货分类名称 , c.cdepcode as 部门编码,d.cdepname as 部门名称, b.amotypeno as 费用类型序号,b.amotype as 费用类型编码,b.amotypename as 费用类型名称, case when ifinqua=0 then 0 else iqua*(1-0.6)/(case when ifinqua=0 then 1 else ifinqua end) end as 完工数量单位成本, iqua *(1-0.5) as 完工数量总成本, iqua * 1 as 在产数量总成本, iqua as 产品数量总成本, case when ifinqua=0 then 0 else itotalamo*(1-0.5)/(case when ifinqua=0 then 1 else ifinqua end) end as 完工金额单位成本, itotalamo *(1-0.5) as 完工金额总成本, itotalamo * 1 as 在产金额总成本, itotalamo as 产品金额总成本, ifinpdtunitamo * iIntoamo as 入库金额总成本, case when ifinqua=0 then 0 else iqua*(1-0.5)/(case when ifinqua=0 then 1 else ifinqua end)*e.iIntoamo end as 入库数量总成本, 0.5 As 在产分配率 from ca_amoct a,caq_amoname b,productstructure c,department d,ca_compd e,inventory f Where a.camotype = b.amotype And a.camoid = b.amoid And a.cPPid = C.cpspcode and c.cdepcode=d.cdepcode and a.iperiod=e.iperiod and a.cppid= e.cppid and a.cbatch = e.cbatch and a.cppid=f.cinvcodego升级成功后再重建视图caq_mxbCREATE view caq_mxb as select a.iperiod as 期间,a.cppid as 产品编码,f.cinvname as 产品名称,a.cbatch as 批号, b.cinvstd as 规格型号,b.cunit as 单位, b.cinvccode as 存货分类编码,b.cinvcname as 存货分类名称 , c.cdepcode as 部门编码,d.cdepname as 部门名称, b.amotypeno as 费用类型序号,b.amotype as 费用类型编码,b.amotypename as 费用类型名称, case when ifinqua=0 then 0 else iqua*(1-onpration)/(case when ifinqua=0 then 1 else ifinqua end) end as 完工数量单位成本, iqua *(1-onpration) as 完工数量总成本, iqua * onpration as 在产数量总成本, iqua as 产品数量总成本, case when ifinqua=0 then 0 else itotalamo*(1-onpration)/(case when ifinqua=0 then 1 else ifinqua end) end as 完工金额单位成本, itotalamo *(1-onpration) as 完工金额总成本, itotalamo * onpration as 在产金额总成本, itotalamo as 产品金额总成本, ifinpdtunitamo * iIntoamo as 入库金额总成本, case when ifinqua=0 then 0 else iqua*(1-onpration)/(case when ifinqua=0 then 1 else ifinqua end)*e.iIntoamo end as 入库数量总成本, onpration As 在产分配率 from ca_amoct a,caq_amoname b,productstructure c,department d,ca_compd e,inventory f Where a.camotype = b.amotype And a.camoid = b.amoid And a.cPPid = C.cpspcode and c.cdepcode=d.cdepcode and a.iperiod=e.iperiod and a.cppid= e.cppid and a.cbatch = e.cbatch and a.cppid=f.cinvcode2003年帐套:1、在salebillvouchs删除autoid=(164,166,343)delete from salebillvouchs where autoid in(164,166,343)2、先升级到8213、将数据引入852后,升级前在数据库中增加视图caq_inventory,caq_amoname,caq_depdata,caq_deptauthex,caq_mxb,caq_predepdata,caq_serviceprice,caq_userproperty,然后升级。CREATE VIEW ca_inventory AS SELECT Inventory.cInvCode, Inventory.cInvName, Inventory.cInvStd,Inventory.iInvRCost,Inventory.cInvCCode, ComputationUnit.cComUnitName AS cInvM_Unit,InventoryClass.cInvCName FROM Inventory LEFT OUTER JOIN InventoryClass ON Inventory.cInvCCode = InventoryClass.cInvCCode LEFT OUTER JOIN ComputationUnit ON Inventory.cComunitCode = ComputationUnit.cComunitCodegoCREATE view caq_amoname as select distinct 1 as amotypeno,‘0‘ as amotype,‘材料费用‘ as amotypename,b.cinvcode as amoid,b.cinvname as amoname,b.cinvccode as cinvccode ,b.cinvcname as cinvcname,b.cinvstd as cinvstd,b.cinvm_unit as cunit from ca_amoct a,ca_inventory b where a.camoid= b.cinvcode Union select 2 as amotypeno,‘0‘,‘材料费用‘,‘-1‘,‘废品回收‘,‘‘,‘‘,‘‘,‘‘ Union select 3 as amotypeno,‘3‘,‘制造费用‘,camoid,camoname,‘‘,‘‘,‘‘,‘‘ from caq_manufacture Union select 4 as amotypeno,‘2‘,‘辅助费用‘,cprocedureid,cprocedurename,‘‘,‘‘,‘‘,‘‘ from ca_predf where bisauxi<>0 Union select 5 as amotypeno,‘4‘,‘其他费用‘,camoid,camoname,‘‘,‘‘,‘‘,‘‘ from caq_others Union select 6 as amotypeno,‘1‘,‘人工费用‘,‘‘,‘直接人工‘,‘‘,‘‘,‘‘,‘‘goCREATE view caq_userproperty as select cuserid,caccode as cdeptid ,cfuncid from aa_holdauth where cbusobid=‘department‘goCREATE view caq_serviceprice as select max(iperiod) as iperiod,max(cprocedureid) as cprocedureid,sum(itotalamo)/sum(iqua) as price from ca_samoct group by cprocedureidgoCREATE view caq_predepdata as select ‘专用‘ as cType,a.iperiod,a.cdeptid,0 as amotypeno,‘0‘ as amotype ,a.cmatid as amoid,a.iqua as curqua,a.imatqua as curamo,b.irestqua as endqua,b.iprice * b.irestqua as endamo from ca_mabsw a left join ca_enmmc b on a.cdeptid=b.cdeptid and a.cmatid=b.cmatid and a.iperiod = b.iperiod where a.cppid is null union SELECT ‘共用‘ ,a.iperiod, a.cdeptid, 0 AS amotypeno, ‘0‘ AS amotype, a.cmatid AS amoid,a.iqua AS curqua, a.imatqua AS curamo, b.irestqua AS endqua,b.iprice * b.irestqua AS endamo FROM ca_mabsw a LEFT JOIN ca_enmom b ON a.cdeptid = b.cdeptid AND a.cmatid = b.cmatid AND a.iperiod = b.iperiod where a.cppid is not null Union select ‘废品‘ ,max(a.iperiod),max(b.cdepcode),1,‘0‘,‘-1‘,0,sum(irecamo),0,0 from ca_waspr a,productstructureex b where a.cppid = b.cpspcode group by cdepcode Union select ‘‘ ,iperiod,cdeptid,2,‘3‘,camoid,0,imanamo,0,0 from ca_manct Union select ‘‘ ,a.iperiod,a.cdeptid,3,‘2‘,a.cprocedureid,a.iqua,a.iqua* b.price,0,0 from ca_asscw a , caq_serviceprice b where a.iperiod=b.iperiod and a.cprocedureid=b.cprocedureid Union select ‘‘ ,max(iperiod),max(cdeptid),4,‘4‘,max(cothamoid),0,sum(iothamo),0,0 from ca_onlia group by cdeptid,iperiod,cothamoid Union select ‘‘ ,iperiod,cdeptid,5,‘1‘,‘‘,0,iDirectPay,0,0 from ca_dirmagoCREATE view caq_depdata as select a.iperiod as 期间,a.cdeptid as 部门编码,b.cdepname as 部门名称, a.amotypeno as 费用类型序号,a.amotype as 费用类型编码,c.amotypename as 费用类型名称,a.cType as 材料类别, c.cinvccode as 存货分类编码,c.cinvcname as 存货分类名称,a.amoid as 费用明细编码,c.amoname as 费用明细名称, a.curqua as 本期发生数量,a.curamo as 本期发生金额, a.endqua as 期末盘存数量,a.endamo as 期末盘存金额 from caq_predepdata a,department b,caq_amoname c Where a.cdeptid = b.cDepCode and a.amotype=c.amotype and a.amoid=c.amoidgoCREATE view CAQ_DeptAuthEx as SELECT CAQ_UserProperty.cUserID, Department.cDepCode,Department.cDepName FROM Department INNER JOIN CAQ_UserProperty ON Department.cDepCode = CAQ_UserProperty.cDeptIDgoCREATE view caq_mxb as select a.iperiod as 期间,a.cppid as 产品编码,f.cinvname as 产品名称,a.cbatch as 批号, b.cinvstd as 规格型号,b.cunit as 单位, b.cinvccode as 存货分类编码,b.cinvcname as 存货分类名称 , c.cdepcode as 部门编码,d.cdepname as 部门名称, b.amotypeno as 费用类型序号,b.amotype as 费用类型编码,b.amotypename as 费用类型名称, case when ifinqua=0 then 0 else iqua*(1-0.6)/(case when ifinqua=0 then 1 else ifinqua end) end as 完工数量单位成本, iqua *(1-0.5) as 完工数量总成本, iqua * 1 as 在产数量总成本, iqua as 产品数量总成本, case when ifinqua=0 then 0 else itotalamo*(1-0.5)/(case when ifinqua=0 then 1 else ifinqua end) end as 完工金额单位成本, itotalamo *(1-0.5) as 完工金额总成本, itotalamo * 1 as 在产金额总成本, itotalamo as 产品金额总成本, ifinpdtunitamo * iIntoamo as 入库金额总成本, case when ifinqua=0 then 0 else iqua*(1-0.5)/(case when ifinqua=0 then 1 else ifinqua end)*e.iIntoamo end as 入库数量总成本, 0.5 As 在产分配率 from ca_amoct a,caq_amoname b,productstructure c,department d,ca_compd e,inventory f Where a.camotype = b.amotype And a.camoid = b.amoid And a.cPPid = C.cpspcode and c.cdepcode=d.cdepcode and a.iperiod=e.iperiod and a.cppid= e.cppid and a.cbatch = e.cbatch and a.cppid=f.cinvcodego升级成功后再重建视图caq_mxbCREATE view caq_mxb as select a.iperiod as 期间,a.cppid as 产品编码,f.cinvname as 产品名称,a.cbatch as 批号, b.cinvstd as 规格型号,b.cunit as 单位, b.cinvccode as 存货分类编码,b.cinvcname as 存货分类名称 , c.cdepcode as 部门编码,d.cdepname as 部门名称, b.amotypeno as 费用类型序号,b.amotype as 费用类型编码,b.amotypename as 费用类型名称, case when ifinqua=0 then 0 else iqua*(1-onpration)/(case when ifinqua=0 then 1 else ifinqua end) end as 完工数量单位成本, iqua *(1-onpration) as 完工数量总成本, iqua * onpration as 在产数量总成本, iqua as 产品数量总成本, case when ifinqua=0 then 0 else itotalamo*(1-onpration)/(case when ifinqua=0 then 1 else ifinqua end) end as 完工金额单位成本, itotalamo *(1-onpration) as 完工金额总成本, itotalamo * onpration as 在产金额总成本, itotalamo as 产品金额总成本, ifinpdtunitamo * iIntoamo as 入库金额总成本, case when ifinqua=0 then 0 else iqua*(1-onpration)/(case when ifinqua=0 then 1 else ifinqua end)*e.iIntoamo end as 入库数量总成本, onpration As 在产分配率 from ca_amoct a,caq_amoname b,productstructure c,department d,ca_compd e,inventory f Where a.camotype = b.amotype And a.camoid = b.amoid And a.cPPid = C.cpspcode and c.cdepcode=d.cdepcode and a.iperiod=e.iperiod and a.cppid= e.cppid and a.cbatch = e.cbatch and a.cppid=f.cinvcode4、在salebillvouchs中手工加入删除的记录,字段sbvid的值可以通过查询销售发票主表发票号得到。
    问题原因:812数据有问题:1、销售发票和采购订单的日期格式非法。2、成本模块的视图丢失。 解决方法:2000年的数据:1、修该salebillvouchs、po_pomain的非法日期1)update salebillvouchs set ddate=#1999-12-30# where ddate<#2000-1-1#2)po_pomain表字段dpodate的值请手工修改,共有五条记录(年度为200,请改为2000)。2、升级到8213、将数据引入852后,升级前在数据库中增加视图caq_inventory,caq_amoname,caq_depdata,caq_deptauthex,caq_mxb,caq_predepdata,caq_serviceprice,caq_userproperty,然后升级。CREATE VIEW ca_inventory AS SELECT Inventory.cInvCode, Inventory.cInvName, Inventory.cInvStd,Inventory.iInvRCost,Inventory.cInvCCode, ComputationUnit.cComUnitName AS cInvM_Unit,InventoryClass.cInvCName FROM Inventory LEFT OUTER JOIN InventoryClass ON Inventory.cInvCCode = InventoryClass.cInvCCode LEFT OUTER JOIN ComputationUnit ON Inventory.cComunitCode = ComputationUnit.cComunitCodegoCREATE view caq_amoname as select distinct 1 as amotypeno,‘0‘ as amotype,‘材料费用‘ as amotypename,b.cinvcode as amoid,b.cinvname as amoname,b.cinvccode as cinvccode ,b.cinvcname as cinvcname,b.cinvstd as cinvstd,b.cinvm_unit as cunit from ca_amoct a,ca_inventory b where a.camoid= b.cinvcode Union select 2 as amotypeno,‘0‘,‘材料费用‘,‘-1‘,‘废品回收‘,‘‘,‘‘,‘‘,‘‘ Union select 3 as amotypeno,‘3‘,‘制造费用‘,camoid,camoname,‘‘,‘‘,‘‘,‘‘ from caq_manufacture Union select 4 as amotypeno,‘2‘,‘辅助费用‘,cprocedureid,cprocedurename,‘‘,‘‘,‘‘,‘‘ from ca_predf where bisauxi<>0 Union select 5 as amotypeno,‘4‘,‘其他费用‘,camoid,camoname,‘‘,‘‘,‘‘,‘‘ from caq_others Union select 6 as amotypeno,‘1‘,‘人工费用‘,‘‘,‘直接人工‘,‘‘,‘‘,‘‘,‘‘goCREATE view caq_userproperty as select cuserid,caccode as cdeptid ,cfuncid from aa_holdauth where cbusobid=‘department‘goCREATE view caq_serviceprice as select max(iperiod) as iperiod,max(cprocedureid) as cprocedureid,sum(itotalamo)/sum(iqua) as price from ca_samoct group by cprocedureidgoCREATE view caq_predepdata as select ‘专用‘ as cType,a.iperiod,a.cdeptid,0 as amotypeno,‘0‘ as amotype ,a.cmatid as amoid,a.iqua as curqua,a.imatqua as curamo,b.irestqua as endqua,b.iprice * b.irestqua as endamo from ca_mabsw a left join ca_enmmc b on a.cdeptid=b.cdeptid and a.cmatid=b.cmatid and a.iperiod = b.iperiod where a.cppid is null union SELECT ‘共用‘ ,a.iperiod, a.cdeptid, 0 AS amotypeno, ‘0‘ AS amotype, a.cmatid AS amoid,a.iqua AS curqua, a.imatqua AS curamo, b.irestqua AS endqua,b.iprice * b.irestqua AS endamo FROM ca_mabsw a LEFT JOIN ca_enmom b ON a.cdeptid = b.cdeptid AND a.cmatid = b.cmatid AND a.iperiod = b.iperiod where a.cppid is not null Union select ‘废品‘ ,max(a.iperiod),max(b.cdepcode),1,‘0‘,‘-1‘,0,sum(irecamo),0,0 from ca_waspr a,productstructureex b where a.cppid = b.cpspcode group by cdepcode Union select ‘‘ ,iperiod,cdeptid,2,‘3‘,camoid,0,imanamo,0,0 from ca_manct Union select ‘‘ ,a.iperiod,a.cdeptid,3,‘2‘,a.cprocedureid,a.iqua,a.iqua* b.price,0,0 from ca_asscw a , caq_serviceprice b where a.iperiod=b.iperiod and a.cprocedureid=b.cprocedureid Union select ‘‘ ,max(iperiod),max(cdeptid),4,‘4‘,max(cothamoid),0,sum(iothamo),0,0 from ca_onlia group by cdeptid,iperiod,cothamoid Union select ‘‘ ,iperiod,cdeptid,5,‘1‘,‘‘,0,iDirectPay,0,0 from ca_dirmagoCREATE view caq_depdata as select a.iperiod as 期间,a.cdeptid as 部门编码,b.cdepname as 部门名称, a.amotypeno as 费用类型序号,a.amotype as 费用类型编码,c.amotypename as 费用类型名称,a.cType as 材料类别, c.cinvccode as 存货分类编码,c.cinvcname as 存货分类名称,a.amoid as 费用明细编码,c.amoname as 费用明细名称, a.curqua as 本期发生数量,a.curamo as 本期发生金额, a.endqua as 期末盘存数量,a.endamo as 期末盘存金额 from caq_predepdata a,department b,caq_amoname c Where a.cdeptid = b.cDepCode and a.amotype=c.amotype and a.amoid=c.amoidgoCREATE view CAQ_DeptAuthEx as SELECT CAQ_UserProperty.cUserID, Department.cDepCode,Department.cDepName FROM Department INNER JOIN CAQ_UserProperty ON Department.cDepCode = CAQ_UserProperty.cDeptIDgoCREATE view caq_mxb as select a.iperiod as 期间,a.cppid as 产品编码,f.cinvname as 产品名称,a.cbatch as 批号, b.cinvstd as 规格型号,b.cunit as 单位, b.cinvccode as 存货分类编码,b.cinvcname as 存货分类名称 , c.cdepcode as 部门编码,d.cdepname as 部门名称, b.amotypeno as 费用类型序号,b.amotype as 费用类型编码,b.amotypename as 费用类型名称, case when ifinqua=0 then 0 else iqua*(1-0.6)/(case when ifinqua=0 then 1 else ifinqua end) end as 完工数量单位成本, iqua *(1-0.5) as 完工数量总成本, iqua * 1 as 在产数量总成本, iqua as 产品数量总成本, case when ifinqua=0 then 0 else itotalamo*(1-0.5)/(case when ifinqua=0 then 1 else ifinqua end) end as 完工金额单位成本, itotalamo *(1-0.5) as 完工金额总成本, itotalamo * 1 as 在产金额总成本, itotalamo as 产品金额总成本, ifinpdtunitamo * iIntoamo as 入库金额总成本, case when ifinqua=0 then 0 else iqua*(1-0.5)/(case when ifinqua=0 then 1 else ifinqua end)*e.iIntoamo end as 入库数量总成本, 0.5 As 在产分配率 from ca_amoct a,caq_amoname b,productstructure c,department d,ca_compd e,inventory f Where a.camotype = b.amotype And a.camoid = b.amoid And a.cPPid = C.cpspcode and c.cdepcode=d.cdepcode and a.iperiod=e.iperiod and a.cppid= e.cppid and a.cbatch = e.cbatch and a.cppid=f.cinvcodego升级成功后再重建视图caq_mxbCREATE view caq_mxb as select a.iperiod as 期间,a.cppid as 产品编码,f.cinvname as 产品名称,a.cbatch as 批号, b.cinvstd as 规格型号,b.cunit as 单位, b.cinvccode as 存货分类编码,b.cinvcname as 存货分类名称 , c.cdepcode as 部门编码,d.cdepname as 部门名称, b.amotypeno as 费用类型序号,b.amotype as 费用类型编码,b.amotypename as 费用类型名称, case when ifinqua=0 then 0 else iqua*(1-onpration)/(case when ifinqua=0 then 1 else ifinqua end) end as 完工数量单位成本, iqua *(1-onpration) as 完工数量总成本, iqua * onpration as 在产数量总成本, iqua as 产品数量总成本, case when ifinqua=0 then 0 else itotalamo*(1-onpration)/(case when ifinqua=0 then 1 else ifinqua end) end as 完工金额单位成本, itotalamo *(1-onpration) as 完工金额总成本, itotalamo * onpration as 在产金额总成本, itotalamo as 产品金额总成本, ifinpdtunitamo * iIntoamo as 入库金额总成本, case when ifinqua=0 then 0 else iqua*(1-onpration)/(case when ifinqua=0 then 1 else ifinqua end)*e.iIntoamo end as 入库数量总成本, onpration As 在产分配率 from ca_amoct a,caq_amoname b,productstructure c,department d,ca_compd e,inventory f Where a.camotype = b.amotype And a.camoid = b.amoid And a.cPPid = C.cpspcode and c.cdepcode=d.cdepcode and a.iperiod=e.iperiod and a.cppid= e.cppid and a.cbatch = e.cbatch and a.cppid=f.cinvcode2003年帐套:1、在salebillvouchs删除autoid=(164,166,343)delete from salebillvouchs where autoid in(164,166,343)2、先升级到8213、将数据引入852后,升级前在数据库中增加视图caq_inventory,caq_amoname,caq_depdata,caq_deptauthex,caq_mxb,caq_predepdata,caq_serviceprice,caq_userproperty,然后升级。CREATE VIEW ca_inventory AS SELECT Inventory.cInvCode, Inventory.cInvName, Inventory.cInvStd,Inventory.iInvRCost,Inventory.cInvCCode, ComputationUnit.cComUnitName AS cInvM_Unit,InventoryClass.cInvCName FROM Inventory LEFT OUTER JOIN InventoryClass ON Inventory.cInvCCode = InventoryClass.cInvCCode LEFT OUTER JOIN ComputationUnit ON Inventory.cComunitCode = ComputationUnit.cComunitCodegoCREATE view caq_amoname as select distinct 1 as amotypeno,‘0‘ as amotype,‘材料费用‘ as amotypename,b.cinvcode as amoid,b.cinvname as amoname,b.cinvccode as cinvccode ,b.cinvcname as cinvcname,b.cinvstd as cinvstd,b.cinvm_unit as cunit from ca_amoct a,ca_inventory b where a.camoid= b.cinvcode Union select 2 as amotypeno,‘0‘,‘材料费用‘,‘-1‘,‘废品回收‘,‘‘,‘‘,‘‘,‘‘ Union select 3 as amotypeno,‘3‘,‘制造费用‘,camoid,camoname,‘‘,‘‘,‘‘,‘‘ from caq_manufacture Union select 4 as amotypeno,‘2‘,‘辅助费用‘,cprocedureid,cprocedurename,‘‘,‘‘,‘‘,‘‘ from ca_predf where bisauxi<>0 Union select 5 as amotypeno,‘4‘,‘其他费用‘,camoid,camoname,‘‘,‘‘,‘‘,‘‘ from caq_others Union select 6 as amotypeno,‘1‘,‘人工费用‘,‘‘,‘直接人工‘,‘‘,‘‘,‘‘,‘‘goCREATE view caq_userproperty as select cuserid,caccode as cdeptid ,cfuncid from aa_holdauth where cbusobid=‘department‘goCREATE view caq_serviceprice as select max(iperiod) as iperiod,max(cprocedureid) as cprocedureid,sum(itotalamo)/sum(iqua) as price from ca_samoct group by cprocedureidgoCREATE view caq_predepdata as select ‘专用‘ as cType,a.iperiod,a.cdeptid,0 as amotypeno,‘0‘ as amotype ,a.cmatid as amoid,a.iqua as curqua,a.imatqua as curamo,b.irestqua as endqua,b.iprice * b.irestqua as endamo from ca_mabsw a left join ca_enmmc b on a.cdeptid=b.cdeptid and a.cmatid=b.cmatid and a.iperiod = b.iperiod where a.cppid is null union SELECT ‘共用‘ ,a.iperiod, a.cdeptid, 0 AS amotypeno, ‘0‘ AS amotype, a.cmatid AS amoid,a.iqua AS curqua, a.imatqua AS curamo, b.irestqua AS endqua,b.iprice * b.irestqua AS endamo FROM ca_mabsw a LEFT JOIN ca_enmom b ON a.cdeptid = b.cdeptid AND a.cmatid = b.cmatid AND a.iperiod = b.iperiod where a.cppid is not null Union select ‘废品‘ ,max(a.iperiod),max(b.cdepcode),1,‘0‘,‘-1‘,0,sum(irecamo),0,0 from ca_waspr a,productstructureex b where a.cppid = b.cpspcode group by cdepcode Union select ‘‘ ,iperiod,cdeptid,2,‘3‘,camoid,0,imanamo,0,0 from ca_manct Union select ‘‘ ,a.iperiod,a.cdeptid,3,‘2‘,a.cprocedureid,a.iqua,a.iqua* b.price,0,0 from ca_asscw a , caq_serviceprice b where a.iperiod=b.iperiod and a.cprocedureid=b.cprocedureid Union select ‘‘ ,max(iperiod),max(cdeptid),4,‘4‘,max(cothamoid),0,sum(iothamo),0,0 from ca_onlia group by cdeptid,iperiod,cothamoid Union select ‘‘ ,iperiod,cdeptid,5,‘1‘,‘‘,0,iDirectPay,0,0 from ca_dirmagoCREATE view caq_depdata as select a.iperiod as 期间,a.cdeptid as 部门编码,b.cdepname as 部门名称, a.amotypeno as 费用类型序号,a.amotype as 费用类型编码,c.amotypename as 费用类型名称,a.cType as 材料类别, c.cinvccode as 存货分类编码,c.cinvcname as 存货分类名称,a.amoid as 费用明细编码,c.amoname as 费用明细名称, a.curqua as 本期发生数量,a.curamo as 本期发生金额, a.endqua as 期末盘存数量,a.endamo as 期末盘存金额 from caq_predepdata a,department b,caq_amoname c Where a.cdeptid = b.cDepCode and a.amotype=c.amotype and a.amoid=c.amoidgoCREATE view CAQ_DeptAuthEx as SELECT CAQ_UserProperty.cUserID, Department.cDepCode,Department.cDepName FROM Department INNER JOIN CAQ_UserProperty ON Department.cDepCode = CAQ_UserProperty.cDeptIDgoCREATE view caq_mxb as select a.iperiod as 期间,a.cppid as 产品编码,f.cinvname as 产品名称,a.cbatch as 批号, b.cinvstd as 规格型号,b.cunit as 单位, b.cinvccode as 存货分类编码,b.cinvcname as 存货分类名称 , c.cdepcode as 部门编码,d.cdepname as 部门名称, b.amotypeno as 费用类型序号,b.amotype as 费用类型编码,b.amotypename as 费用类型名称, case when ifinqua=0 then 0 else iqua*(1-0.6)/(case when ifinqua=0 then 1 else ifinqua end) end as 完工数量单位成本, iqua *(1-0.5) as 完工数量总成本, iqua * 1 as 在产数量总成本, iqua as 产品数量总成本, case when ifinqua=0 then 0 else itotalamo*(1-0.5)/(case when ifinqua=0 then 1 else ifinqua end) end as 完工金额单位成本, itotalamo *(1-0.5) as 完工金额总成本, itotalamo * 1 as 在产金额总成本, itotalamo as 产品金额总成本, ifinpdtunitamo * iIntoamo as 入库金额总成本, case when ifinqua=0 then 0 else iqua*(1-0.5)/(case when ifinqua=0 then 1 else ifinqua end)*e.iIntoamo end as 入库数量总成本, 0.5 As 在产分配率 from ca_amoct a,caq_amoname b,productstructure c,department d,ca_compd e,inventory f Where a.camotype = b.amotype And a.camoid = b.amoid And a.cPPid = C.cpspcode and c.cdepcode=d.cdepcode and a.iperiod=e.iperiod and a.cppid= e.cppid and a.cbatch = e.cbatch and a.cppid=f.cinvcodego升级成功后再重建视图caq_mxbCREATE view caq_mxb as select a.iperiod as 期间,a.cppid as 产品编码,f.cinvname as 产品名称,a.cbatch as 批号, b.cinvstd as 规格型号,b.cunit as 单位, b.cinvccode as 存货分类编码,b.cinvcname as 存货分类名称 , c.cdepcode as 部门编码,d.cdepname as 部门名称, b.amotypeno as 费用类型序号,b.amotype as 费用类型编码,b.amotypename as 费用类型名称, case when ifinqua=0 then 0 else iqua*(1-onpration)/(case when ifinqua=0 then 1 else ifinqua end) end as 完工数量单位成本, iqua *(1-onpration) as 完工数量总成本, iqua * onpration as 在产数量总成本, iqua as 产品数量总成本, case when ifinqua=0 then 0 else itotalamo*(1-onpration)/(case when ifinqua=0 then 1 else ifinqua end) end as 完工金额单位成本, itotalamo *(1-onpration) as 完工金额总成本, itotalamo * onpration as 在产金额总成本, itotalamo as 产品金额总成本, ifinpdtunitamo * iIntoamo as 入库金额总成本, case when ifinqua=0 then 0 else iqua*(1-onpration)/(case when ifinqua=0 then 1 else ifinqua end)*e.iIntoamo end as 入库数量总成本, onpration As 在产分配率 from ca_amoct a,caq_amoname b,productstructure c,department d,ca_compd e,inventory f Where a.camotype = b.amotype And a.camoid = b.amoid And a.cPPid = C.cpspcode and c.cdepcode=d.cdepcode and a.iperiod=e.iperiod and a.cppid= e.cppid and a.cbatch = e.cbatch and a.cppid=f.cinvcode4、在salebillvouchs中手工加入删除的记录,字段sbvid的值可以通过查询销售发票主表发票号得到。

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  • 用友在U821升级到U852的过程中,升级失败



    关 键 字:在U821升级到U852的过程中,升级失败适用产品:U852
    补 丁 号:开放状态:用友云基地注册用户

  • G6医院专版10.6 环境:windows2008 R2 32位 数据库:SQL2005 SP2,自动备份日期文件夹生成了,但里面是空的,SQL代理服务也是启动的,还能怎么解决?

    G6医院专版10.6 环境:windows2008 R2 32位 数据库:SQL2005 SP2,自动备份日期文件夹生成了,但里面是空的,SQL代理服务也是启动的,还能怎么解决?

    G6医院专版10.6 环境:windows2008 R2 32位 数据库:SQL2005 SP2,自动备份日期文件夹生成了,但里面是空的,SQL代理服务也是启动的,还能怎么解决? G6医院专版10.6 环境:windows2008 R2 32位 数据库:SQL2005 SP2,自动备份日期文件夹生成了,但里面是空的,SQL代理服务也是启动的,还能怎么解决?[]

    4、SQL的代理服务(SQL Agent)是否启动?如果未启动,请在SQL服务中启动;
    9、检查帐套备份调用的SQL Server组件是否正常,目录C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\80\Tools\Binn\SQLDMO.DLL,是否存在此DLL,并手工注册一下
    @服务社区赖海芳:检查ufcomsql目录下的UFBackPlan.dll是否为最新2013-3-15的最新DLL ,这个文件G6里2009的
    @guilincaiyou:G6是2009的没问题,那么主要看一下其他的T 6 g6 公共的部分,一般电脑中的设置,相关服务需要启动。
    麻烦问一下此问题解决了没有,我也遇到与此类似的问题了,我的操作系统是win7 32位 sql server 2005,G6 10.6标准版,自动备份日期文件夹生成了,但里面是空的。

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